Coaching an Agile Coach Using Clean Questions

Coaching using Clean Language yesterday, I assisted an agile coach friend who wanted to learn how better to notice the moments (just in time) when the clean language / systemic modeling facilitation skills she is learning are most needed for her teams. She said often she would only realize after the fact that she might have used or taught something like Clean Setup, Clean Feedback to effectively coach the team.  She said she wanted to realize these situations sooner! 

So, I coached her using Clean Language questions to ‘slow down’ what happens in her mind when the example situation (X) she described starts to comes up. The difference is that she now has more self-awareness about the triggers, signals, and internal responses she has so that she can catch herself in the moment next time. 

What sort of Clean Language training or coaching would you like?  One-on-One? Team Facilitation?

Contact me at to set up a free Clean Interview to find out more! 

Explore posts in the same categories: Clean for Teams, Clean Language, Coaching

3 Comments on “Coaching an Agile Coach Using Clean Questions”

  1. t5vanlife Says:

    How wonderful. Did you use what happens just before to slow your clients thinking down?

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. t5vanlife Says:

    Hi Andrea, how wonderful. Did you use what happens just before to slow your clients thinking down?

    I really admire how you are embracing the Systemic modelling and go facilitating with Caitlin in your own country- fab stuff


    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Andrea Chiou Says:

    Yes, I did use ‘What happens just before X?’ to help her create that awareness. Thanks Jackie, xo.


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